GV Snowshoes

Tubbs - Women's



Snowshoe Magazine, established in November 2003, celebrates the sport of snowshoeing and those who participate in the sport. We are proud to be the industry's leading (and only) venue for world-class destination writing, technical tips for snowshoers of all levels, nutrition information for fitness enthusiasts, equipment and gear reviews, stunning photography, and much more.

Snowshoe Magazine is an online publication that provides original content and information to a worldwide community of snowshoers. Known as the fastest growing winter sport in the United States, snowshoeing is quickly on its way to becoming an Olympic sport. The Snowshoemag.com audience is made up of first-time snowshoers, backcountry hikers, outdoor enthusiasts, competitive runners and members of the industry.

Readers look to Snowshoe Magazine as the authentic source of snowshoeing information and inspiration, so the expectation is set high for contributors. Below are some suggestions on crafting your work to fit our needs.

E-mail: [email protected].
Phone: 303-332-4993 (Please keep calls only to those who have received assignments and have questions.)

Editorial Submissions

Snowshoe Magazine's e-newsletter is published online once a month. Please submit all article proposals in a one-page query letter, preferably via email, to [email protected]. If this is your first time submitting to Snowshoe Magazine, it's helpful if you can include clips of previously published work. Please be sure to read several articles from Snowshoemag.com to familiarize yourself with the voice and content of the magazine before submitting queries.

Please submit all articles within the body of an e-mail message and attached as a Word document. Please adhere to the Associated Press style; and, be familiar with informative magazine writing - we certainly enjoy the newspaper crossover but would rather keep sensationalism and breaking news out of the mix.

Message from the Publisher:

"We need writers who are looking to join a grassroots publication that is headed toward a great amount of success - this is your chance to get involved while it's still relatively small. Our content needs are diverse but also very broad - as long as it pertains to snowshoeing in some way. We tend to focus our content on health/fitness, destinations, competitive racing, advocacy (protection of the environment and open space), equipment (other than snowshoes) and any personal experience story is well received. We are looking for writers from the following regions of the United States: Northeast Region, North Central Region, Rocky Mountain Region, Western Region, and Alaska. We are also looking for writers internationally, including: Canada, Europe, Australia, South America and Asia."

Articles and Photography

Snowshoe Magazine features focus primarily on: Profiles, destinations, health/fitness, snowshoe race coverage, advocacy for the protection of the environment and much more. Features are generally 1,000 to 2,000 words in length, and require in-depth research, quotes and talented writing. If you have an idea that doesn't entirely fit our requests, please let us know - we would love to work with you on organizing a story.

Snowshoe Magazine currently cannot pay for expenses related to traveling associated with writing articles and/or photography." Pays $10 for 500-1000 words; $15 for 1000-1500 words; $20 for 1500+ words. Articles may not exceed 2,000 words.

PHOTOS/ART: "Send in digital format, 72 dpi, .GIF or .JPG format." Pays $1/photo.

Snowshoe Magazine is not responsible for unsolicited submissions.


HINTS: We love working with new writers and those who are looking for more experience. However, we expect a sense and overall familiarization of the snowshoeing sport. That doesn't mean you should be snowshoeing at all times, it's more for your edge as a writer. If you haven't snowshoed or have no relative idea of what the industry is about, go rent a pair...take a plunge in the snow...and do some Internet research. We're flexible, but we're also realistic. Keep our audience in mind; if you are writing an article that you feel is best suited for the first-time snowshoer, make your premise apparent. Communicate with our readers in the best way possible - they are a great group that has yearned for a publication like this for a long time. Before formulating an idea, put it in a query and send it our way. Or, just e-mail the publisher if you have questions about certain stories and articles that you feel would fit. We are looking for people who are eager to help us help people get off their couches, get in some snowshoes and get outside. We require patience and professionalism as we continue to grow and expand our territories and business. However, we provide content all year, 12 months, no matter the season, due to a worldwide following of northern and southern hemisphere snowshoers. Remember, we plan to provide a print version of this publication. We are heavily involved in the snowsports industries and have made the right partnerships to be able to bring this to life. Stay with us, work with us, and you will have a seat at the table when content is needed for the magazine in the near future.

Thank you for your interest in Snowshoe Magazine.

What type of snowshoer are you?
Snowshoe runner/competitor
Recreational snowshoer
Backcountry snowshoer
First-time snowshoer
I'm just a snowshoer!
I'm lurking, not a snowshoer
1042 total votes

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