Tubbs - Women's


The Yeti Snowshoe Academy

GV Snowshoes

GV Snowshoes

There are still a few stubborn snowbanks lingering along north-facing overhangs, but around them, the grass is starting to green from the spring rains, and the memories of winter are all that is left....
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On December 13th, 2006 I went for a run with my dog, Tasman, just outside of Moab Utah. About an hour into my run I was hiking up a small canyon to connect to a jeep trail and complete my loop. I wa...
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One of my favorite events is the Tubbs Romp to Stomp out Breast Cancer. I’ve been a part of this event the last four years. Each year it keeps getting better and better. The best part of the event ...
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Snowshoe racing has begun! Genuine winter weather has finally blown in, and with it, the chance to get out there and work WITH the season (think scampering along snowy wooded trails, winter sky twinkl...
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Last Friday we were excited to find our new Dion racing snowshoes waiting for us in the mail. With the snowshoe racing season upon us, we had been anxiously awaiting these Vermont, hand-made shoes. Ri...
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Many would think that living in Canada, by mid-November we would be up to our armpits in snow, however since global warming has reared its ugly head, this is not the case. We have been anxiously ...
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“Why? Why do you snowshoe? Why do you compete? What motivates you?” This seems to be the number one question I am asked by reporters about the sport of snowshoeing. As I promptly blurt out my stan...
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The 2006/07 snowshoe season is fast approaching, and with it, some exciting news…Canada now has a National Snowshoe Championship! This a joint venture between the Mad Trapper Snowshoe Series north of ...
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The 2006 U.S. Snowshoe Championships were a fun way for us to cap off our snowshoe racing season this year, and also celebrate Derrick’s 40th birthday. Derrick was sick for over a week leading up to t...
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Snowshoe season is nearing an end. We’ve wrapped up our racing, except for the U.S. Snowshoe Championships, which are next weekend in Vermont. The latter half of 2005 was injury-plagued for Derrick an...
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This past weekend we traveled to Schroon Lake, New York for the Hoffman Notch Wilderness Challenge 10km snowshoe race. We arrived on Friday night, and were made to feel right at home as we were welcom...
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If I were granted the wish to snap my fingers and be one place on the planet to go for a snowshoe run, it would be Antarctica. Who knows, maybe someday? In the meantime, we have family who are going t...
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Racing for me is about taking chances. Unless it is a championship race, I like to be able to find something out about myself. I usually go into a race with some sort of race strategy either keying ...
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It's snowing. Beautiful white fluffy snow all over. And I'm stuck inside. I want so bad to be out there running and jumping through the snow, wrestling with my dog and snowshoeing through the woods...
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Last Friday was one of those rare, oh so perfectly timed SNOW DAYS!!!!!!!!!! Our landscape was dumped with a foot of snow overnight from the biggest storm of the year, so far. As it tapered off and th...
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In my last blog, I included some preseason training tips that were designed to help get you ready for the snowshoe running season. By now, many of you have already had your first few runs in snowshoe...
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Snowshoe running is a very forgiving winter activity on your body. However, at the start of each season, many snowshoe runners tend to overdo it a little for the first few runs. This can leave you fe...
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I'm pregnant. Yup. I'm about nine months along. And, yes, I am a male...a pregnant one too. The doc said it was about 40 pages, 5,000 copies for the first issue...definitely going to be a difficul...
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To say we are a family of dog lovers is an understatement. We have five dogs, and take pride in them having a fun, healthy, and loving life with us. Dogs fit perfectly into our running lifestyle, ...
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Today marks four weeks since the Xterra World Championship race. The “down time” between training seasons is usually referred to as the Transition Period, but to me it seems more like a detraining cy...
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It seems like it’s been so long since we had our last ‘real’ snowshoe run. Looking in my training log, it dates back to late March. Since then we have made do with some great trail runs, but there’s...
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Yesterday, Derrick and I organized a running race in the nearby town of Sydenham, just north of Kingston, Ontario. It was a five-kilometer race along the shores of beautiful Sydenham Lake, with most o...
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The athlete's blog is a concept created to promote snowshoe competitions and the runners who participate. To get a good feel for how this will work...check back periodically to see who has posted...
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What type of snowshoer are you?
Snowshoe runner/competitor
Recreational snowshoer
Backcountry snowshoer
First-time snowshoer
I'm just a snowshoer!
I'm lurking, not a snowshoer
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